Uber, Lyft, Walmart, and Amazon Are Coming into Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2018

I devote a lot of time hosting and attending conventions. In the last two Decades alone I have helped conduct Fortune events in Guangzhou, New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Rome–we all fulfilled the Pope! I have been to TED in Vancouver, the World Economic Forum in Davos, and also a Salesforce powwow in London.

I really like them all. Truly. However, my favorite is the one I have been associated with greatest, Brainstorm Tech, our annual gathering of business movers and shakers in Aspen, Colo.. This summer–July 16th to 18th to be precise–will probably be my 10th year using a hand in overseeing Brainstorm. I really like it because in an era of challenged journalism business models, live events are all the rage. They create an adventure that can not be commoditized and therefore is both great “articles”– I hate that phrase–and also a lucrative enterprise.

The post Uber, Lyft, Walmart, and Amazon Are Coming into Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2018 appeared first on Retailnewsfeed.com.


Uber, Lyft, Walmart, and Amazon Are Coming into Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2018 posted first on http://retailnewsfeed.com/


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